
Urban and Rural Water Supply

  • Elevated water tank(Senegal)

  • Residents collecting water from public fountain (Senegal)

Since the establishment of our organization for consulting service, Japan Techno has consistently been engaged in promotion of water supply projects for developing countries across the world.

Our performance in projects for urban water service in various parts of the world ranges from detailed investigation of existing water facilities, formulation of new development/improvement plan, prepation of effective project design, to direct participation in the realization of the project as responsible supervisor. We also provide such service as training and capacity building for effective management of the system by local responsibilities including topics such as proper operation of water plants and equipment, realization of sustainable operation and maintenance of the system, measures to reduce unaccounted-for water, improvement of water fee collection system, etc.

In the sector for rural water supply, we have adopted different approaches in provision of water facilities to fit the sizes and conditions of villages. One is simply a single unit of deepwell facility equipped with a hand pump particularly for those less developed and economically handicapped. By contrast, a properly surveyed and designed piped water supply system is to be installed for a large cluster of villages, accompanied with realization of a soft component program for strengthening local associations for sustainable operatgion and maintenance of facilities including water fee collection from users. All of these activities have been promoted in the framework of grant aid programme of ODA of the government of Japan.

As time passed in recipient countries since the provision of initial grant aid, we have recently been occupied in “follow up” projects for rehabilitation and/or expansion of aging facilities installed more than 10 years ago.

In association with the realization of these construction projects for water supply facilities, technical cooperation schemes have been presented to this sector including such components as the promotion of setups of organizations responsible for operation and maintenance of installed acilities in the concerned local governments and also provision of programs for strengthening user associations. We have also participated in such projects since these programs are likely to produce multiplier effects in this sector.

We have been involved in water projects in more than 40 countries across the world, mostly in the countries of Africa, Middle East, Asia and Central/South America. In several countries among them such as Senegal, Zambia, Gambia, Yemen and Pakistan, we have successfully continued to provide our service even through decades since the onset of Japan’s assistance in water supply projects of those countries. As a typical example, water supply projects in Senegal now amount to 16 in number since its beginning in 1979 (Rural Water Supply Project, Phase 1) to date including both urban and rural ones, with their recipients reaching more than four hundred thousand (400,000). As a result, Japan enjoys a seat of top donor in water sector there encouraged with strong confidence from those related with the projects.

Surveys and Activities

  • Project finding/formulation study
  • Environmental study (groundwater resource study, topographic measurement, water quality examination, etc)
  • Ongoing water use practice survey
  • New water supply plan
  • Facility planning/designing
  • Estimate for project cost
  • Supervision of project execution
  • Training for operation of facilities
  • Planning of long-term operation/maintenance program

Line-up of transmission pumps for urban water supply

Elevated water tank and pump station
(Papua New Guinea)

Deep well equipped with a pedal pump

Residents waiting for collecting water in oil drums
from public fountain(Cape Verde)

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